A blog about food and cooking by Chris Norris

Chemistry in the Kitchen

Chemistry in the Kitchen

There’s a lot happening on the food front, with equipment and ingredients evolving in directions that aren’t obvious to those of us who cook at home.  I’ve talked before about the unusual approaches being used by Charlie Trotter, Wylie Dufresne, Grant Achatz, Thomas Keller, Joel Rubuchon and others to create dishes that are completely different from any you might have experienced.  As usual, I’ve become hooked on the topic and am deep in research mode as I learn about the equipment, techniques and chemicals that are part of these innovative chef’s arsenals.  In particular, I’m embarked on a project to not only learn more about the methods that the master chefs are using, but to actually use the same equipment and techniques in the home kitchen!  Watch for future blogs that survey new equipment and the use of food-safe chemicals to create unusual textures and flavors.  With some luck, I’ll be able to surprise my unsuspecting family and friends with some amazing food!

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